Service Rendered
Design & Supervision of:
- Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning (HVAC)
and Mechanical Ventilation - Air conditioning of shops with water cooled package units.
- 3-Nos. 760 tons, 2- Nos. 550 Tons
and 2-260 Tons DGF Absorption chillers to fulfil
the cooling load of atrium, food courts and
circulation corridors. - 360 tons capacity air cooled
Package units for Banquette Hall. - Basement Exhaust and Smoke Extraction System
for Atrium - Plumbing & Sanitary Services
Complete Water Supply and Drainage. - Natural
Gas Supply to Chillers, Food Court and Kitchen
for Banquette Halls Fire Suppression
Fire Hydrant and Fire Hose System with in-house
Fire Pumps Set. - Vertical Transportation
7- Nos. Passenger Elevators and 6-Nos.