Hotel Margala

Hotel Margala

Service Rendered
Design & Supervision of:

  • Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning (HVAC)
    and Mechanical Ventilation
    360 RT of air conditioning with water cooled
    electric chiller. Heating with hot water.
    Mechanical Ventilation for toilets and Kitchens.
    Economizer system for Banquette Hall to
    provide free cooling to banquette halls in winter
    cold storage.
  • Plumbing & Sanitary Services
    Complete Cold water and hot water supply and
    distribution with Pressure Boosting Pump and
    Hot Water Boiler.
  •  Fire Suppression
    Fire Hydrant and Fire Hose System with in- house Fire Pumps Set.

Covered Area

65,000 Sft


160 Guest Rooms, 2-1000 persons capacity Banquette Halls, Seminar Rooms, Coffee Shop, Restaurants, Kitchens, Cold Storage and Laundry Facilities


Accommodation and Food


Shaikh Fayyaz & Shaikh


Pee Dee Associates/ Najmi Bilgrami



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